patch-1.3.25 linux/arch/i386/
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- Lines: 54
- Date:
Fri Sep 8 16:12:09 1995
- Orig file:
- Orig date:
Thu Sep 7 17:17:16 1995
diff -u --recursive --new-file v1.3.24/linux/arch/i386/ linux/arch/i386/
@@ -187,7 +187,7 @@
tristate 'HP PCLAN+ (27247B and 27252A) support' CONFIG_HPLAN_PLUS n
tristate 'HP PCLAN (27245 and other 27xxx series) support' CONFIG_HPLAN n
- tristate 'HP 10/100VG PCLAN (ISA, EISA, PCI) support' CONFIG_HP100 y
+ tristate 'HP 10/100VG PCLAN (ISA, EISA, PCI) support' CONFIG_HP100 n
tristate 'NE2000/NE1000 support' CONFIG_NE2000 y
bool 'SK_G16 support' CONFIG_SK_G16 n
@@ -221,25 +221,28 @@
comment 'CD-ROM drivers (not for SCSI or IDE/ATAPI drives)'
-tristate 'Sony CDU31A/CDU33A CDROM support' CONFIG_CDU31A n
-tristate 'Standard Mitsumi [no XA/Multisession] CDROM support' CONFIG_MCD n
-tristate 'Experimental Mitsumi [XA/MultiSession] support' CONFIG_MCDX n
-tristate 'Matsushita/Panasonic CDROM support' CONFIG_SBPCD n
-if [ "$CONFIG_SBPCD" != "n" ]; then
- bool 'Matsushita/Panasonic second CDROM controller support' CONFIG_SBPCD2 n
- if [ "$CONFIG_SBPCD2" = "y" ]; then
- bool 'Matsushita/Panasonic third CDROM controller support' CONFIG_SBPCD3 n
- if [ "$CONFIG_SBPCD3" = "y" ]; then
- bool 'Matsushita/Panasonic fourth CDROM controller support' CONFIG_SBPCD4 n
+bool 'Support non-SCSI/IDE/ATAPI drives' CONFIG_CD_NO_IDESCSI n
+if [ "$CONFIG_CD_NO_IDESCSI" = "y" ]; then
+ tristate 'Sony CDU31A/CDU33A CDROM support' CONFIG_CDU31A n
+ tristate 'Standard Mitsumi [no XA/Multisession] CDROM support' CONFIG_MCD n
+ tristate 'Experimental Mitsumi [XA/MultiSession] support' CONFIG_MCDX n
+ tristate 'Matsushita/Panasonic CDROM support' CONFIG_SBPCD n
+ if [ "$CONFIG_SBPCD" = "y" ]; then
+ bool 'Matsushita/Panasonic second CDROM controller support' CONFIG_SBPCD2 n
+ if [ "$CONFIG_SBPCD2" = "y" ]; then
+ bool 'Matsushita/Panasonic third CDROM controller support' CONFIG_SBPCD3 n
+ if [ "$CONFIG_SBPCD3" = "y" ]; then
+ bool 'Matsushita/Panasonic fourth CDROM controller support' CONFIG_SBPCD4 n
+ fi
+ tristate 'Aztech/Orchid/Okano/Wearnes (non IDE) CDROM support' CONFIG_AZTCD n
+ tristate 'Sony CDU535 CDROM support' CONFIG_CDU535 n
+ tristate 'Goldstar R420 CDROM support' CONFIG_GSCD n
+ tristate 'Philips/LMS CM206 CDROM support' CONFIG_CM206 n
+ tristate 'Experimental Optics Storage DOLPHIN 8000AT CDROM support' CONFIG_OPTCD n
+ bool 'Experimental Sanyo H94A CDROM support' CONFIG_SJCD n
-tristate 'Aztech/Orchid/Okano/Wearnes (non IDE) CDROM support' CONFIG_AZTCD n
-tristate 'Sony CDU535 CDROM support' CONFIG_CDU535 n
-tristate 'Goldstar R420 CDROM support' CONFIG_GSCD n
-tristate 'Philips/LMS CM206 CDROM support' CONFIG_CM206 n
-tristate 'Experimental Optics Storage DOLPHIN 8000AT CDROM support' CONFIG_OPTCD n
-bool 'Experimental Sanyo H94A CDROM support' CONFIG_SJCD n
comment 'Filesystems'
FUNET's LINUX-ADM group, [email protected]
TCL-scripts by Sam Shen, [email protected]
with Sam's (original) version of this