patch-1.3.26 linux/include/asm-i386/i82489.h

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diff -u --recursive --new-file v1.3.25/linux/include/asm-i386/i82489.h linux/include/asm-i386/i82489.h
@@ -0,0 +1,88 @@
+#ifndef __ASM_I82489_H
+#define __ASM_I82489_H
+ *	Offsets for programming the 82489 and Pentium integrated APIC
+ *
+ *	Alan Cox <[email protected]>, 1995.
+ */
+#define		APIC_ID		0x20
+#define			GET_APIC_ID(x)		(((x)>>24)&0x0F)
+#define		APIC_VERSION	0x30
+#define		APIC_TASKPRI	0x80
+#define			APIC_TPRI_MASK		0xFF
+#define		APIC_ARBPRI	0x90
+#define		APIC_PROCPRI	0xA0
+#define		APIC_EOI	0xB0
+#define			APIC_EIO_ACK		0x0		/* Write this to the EOI register */
+#define		APIC_RRR	0xC0
+#define		APIC_LDR	0xD0
+#define			GET_APIC_LOGICAL_ID(x)	(((x)>>24)&0xFF)
+#define		APIC_DFR	0xE0
+#define			GET_APIC_DFR(x)		(((x)>>28)&0x0F)
+#define			SET_APIC_DFR(x)		((x)<<28)
+#define		APIC_SPIV	0xF0
+#define		APIC_ISR	0x100
+#define		APIC_TMR	0x180
+#define 	APIC_IRR	0x200
+#define 	APIC_ESR	0x280
+#define			APIC_ESR_SEND_CS	0x00001
+#define			APIC_ESR_RECV_CS	0x00002
+#define			APIC_ESR_SEND_ACC	0x00004
+#define			APIC_ESR_RECV_ACC	0x00008
+#define			APIC_ESR_SENDILL	0x00020
+#define			APIC_ESR_RECVILL	0x00040
+#define			APIC_ESR_ILLREGA	0x00080
+#define		APIC_ICR	0x300
+#define			APIC_DEST_FIELD		0x00000
+#define			APIC_DEST_SELF		0x40000
+#define			APIC_DEST_ALLINC	0x80000
+#define			APIC_DEST_ALLBUT	0xC0000
+#define			APIC_DEST_RR_MASK	0x30000
+#define			APIC_DEST_RR_INVALID	0x00000
+#define			APIC_DEST_RR_INPROG	0x10000
+#define			APIC_DEST_RR_VALID	0x20000
+#define			APIC_DEST_LEVELTRIG	0x08000
+#define			APIC_DEST_ASSERT	0x04000
+#define			APIC_DEST_BUSY		0x01000
+#define			APIC_DEST_LOGICAL	0x00800
+#define			APIC_DEST_DM_FIXED	0x00000
+#define			APIC_DEST_DM_LOWEST	0x00100
+#define			APIC_DEST_DM_SMI	0x00200
+#define			APIC_DEST_DM_REMRD	0x00300
+#define			APIC_DEST_DM_NMI	0x00400
+#define			APIC_DEST_DM_INIT	0x00500
+#define			APIC_DEST_DM_STARTUP	0x00600
+#define			APIC_DEST_VECTOR_MASK	0x000FF
+#define		APIC_ICR2	0x310
+#define			GET_APIC_DEST_FIELD(x)	(((x)>>24)&0xFF)
+#define			SET_APIC_DEST_FIELD(x)	((x)<<24)
+#define		APIC_LVTT	0x320
+#define		APIC_LVT0	0x350
+#define			APIC_LVT_TIMER_PERIODIC		(1<<17)
+#define			APIC_LVT_MASKED			(1<<16)
+#define			APIC_LVT_LEVEL_TRIGGER		(1<<15)
+#define			APIC_LVT_REMOTE_IRR		(1<<14)
+#define			APIC_INPUT_POLARITY		(1<<13)
+#define			APIC_SEND_PENDING		(1<<12)
+#define			GET_APIC_DELIVERY_MODE(x)	(((x)>>8)&0x7)
+#define			SET_APIC_DELIVERY_MODE(x,y)	(((x)&~0x700)|((y)<<8))
+#define				APIC_MODE_FIXED		0x0
+#define				APIC_MODE_NMI		0x4
+#define				APIC_MODE_EXINT		0x7
+#define 	APIC_LVT1	0x360
+#define		APIC_LVERR	0x370
+#define		APIC_TMICT	0x380
+#define		APIC_TMCCT	0x390
+#define		APIC_TDCR	0x3E0
+#define			APIC_TDR_DIV_1		0xB
+#define			APIC_TDR_DIV_2		0x0
+#define			APIC_TDR_DIV_4		0x1
+#define			APIC_TDR_DIV_8		0x2
+#define			APIC_TDR_DIV_16		0x3
+#define			APIC_TDR_DIV_32		0x8
+#define			APIC_TDR_DIV_64		0x9
+#define			APIC_TDR_DIV_128	0xA

FUNET's LINUX-ADM group, [email protected]
TCL-scripts by Sam Shen, [email protected] with Sam's (original) version
of this