The IETF maintains a registry of media types and subtypes that are used to identify particular payloads and their semantics as they are transported via application level protocols such as messaging (“email”) and the web (HTTP). The core structure and use of media types is the MIME framework, defined in RFCs 2045 through 2049, and amended by various later documents. Registration of new media types is defined by BCP 13, which was last updated in 2013. Several topics have appeared in the interim that are large enough in scope and importance to warrant the formation of a working group to develop and process them. This working group will therefore take up the following work, in this order (or as otherwise negotiated with the supervising Area Director): * Develop and process the pending ‘haptics’ top-level media type request, based on draft-muthusamy-dispatch-haptics. * Consider any issues around media types for programming languages. * Develop a reviewer’s checklist regarding Security Considerations sections in media type applications. * Review the format of the media types registry itself. * Consider whether and how to permit multiple media type suffixes. * Investigate the possibility of using GitHub as both a registration interface and a queue for managing the processing of requests, based on the model used for link relations and well-known URIs ( and respectively). Input Document(s): * draft-muthusamy-dispatch-haptics Proposed milestones (target dates TBD): * draft-muthusamy-dispatch-haptics (or equivalent) to the IESG for approval (Proposed Standard) * RFC6838bis to the IESG for approval (BCP) based on the last work item listed above.