This is a follow up review to prior -08 version ~3y back. Prior review comments were addressed and it looks good from a YD standpoint. Only a few minor questions/clarifications below. 1 module in this draft: - ietf-bfd-stability@2024-05-05.yang YANG compiler errors or warnings (pyang 2.6.0, yanglint 2.2.8) - No compiler errors or warnings Module ietf-bfd-stability@2024-05-05.yang: - I notice between -08 and -13 that `micro-bfd-ipv6` augments are now removed. Is this intentional? - For all augments that introduce the `lost-packet-count` leaf, these are all identical definitions which could leverage a single grouping/uses definition. Any reason not to leverage? Example validated instance data: et-0/0/0 ianaift:ethernetCsmacd up 2024-06-09T00:00:00.000+01:00 ae0 ianaift:ieee8023adLag up 2024-06-09T00:00:00.000+01:00 DEFAULT ipv4 bfd-types:bfdv1 DEFAULT et-0/0/0 true 10 true true 255 10 true ae0 true true et-0/0/0 10 true true 10 true